Ahh summer school. what is sometimes associated with the most painful experience in life short of child birth, having an incurable disease, or being run over by a car.
Surprisingly, summer school hasn't been too unbearable. Although, each day starts bright in early at 7:30 which is unheard of in summer, it does have it upsides. For one it gives you a chance to drink lots of coffee without being unable to sleep when bedtime rolls around. It also caters very nicely to getting a lot accomplished in a single day. I feel more motivated to work out, actually study, or even just do fun things like cook. I have also never had a such a refreshing class as Religion in America. Although the teacher is less than desirable and frankly i think she would scare little children on the street, she does often make me laugh. True half the time, i'm somewhat frustrated due to the the way she portrays Christianity, i still have to admit the class has not been a waste of time. Such an easy class also provides ample time to do fun activities. now what to do today.... paint... bake... read... or even nap.