Having just returned today from a 10 day stay in Vietnam, my mind is stuck on reflection of the trip. As i was flying back to singapore today, i was thinking about the concept of traveling and what it means to my life. I've seen parts of the world that many will not or will even have a privilege to see. First there is ukraine, which will always hold a place in my heart. I often think about ukraine bc of a photo that i have framed in my room. Her name was diriyna and she was the most adorable little girl i think i have ever known. I pray that she along with her two sisters will continue to grow and become more like their heavenly father each and everyday. I've been on many other trips some close and some far. one to haiti after the earthquake where God not only used me as an encouragement but also taught me about how the devil plots against us. i found shelter in the body of Christ. i've seen so many things, so many cultures. Most recent as i mentioned vietnam. Normal people working to live and pass the time.Traveling down a road that is dictated by the amount of money they can make selling whatever they get their hands on. In many respects, traveling just like me. You see i chose to travel down a path of education in hopes of getting a job in hopes of well i'm not really even sure. But what i was really thinking about is whether or not God looks at me and is pleased to see me traveling the direction i am. I don't just mean in a physical sense but in a mental sense. Are my thoughts and actions leading me to the best destination? Am i actually being productive with the time He has given me?I dare you to ask yourself the same question... More tomorrow...

Wait, stay here and have a drink of time
Wait, before you split yourself in two
There's time for you
If you travel here, you will feel it all
The brightest and the darkest
If you travel here, listen to your heart
And take with you what lasts forever
Sleep, and dream the dream of when you fly
See through traveler's eyes who want to give
To live and give
If you travel here, you will feel it all
The brightest and the darkest
If you travel here, listen to your heart
And take with you what lasts forever
Future of Forestry "Travelers Song"
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