Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dream and Little Dream with Who?

It seems to me that girls just always set ourselves up for heartache. I blame it on the stories that do seem to work out magically. Hollywood or whatever. Every girl has let themselves feel something for someone that they shouldn't or at least too strongly for someone. We always seem to "dream and little dream" with someone that ideally is a passing phase. This is not rare in the slightest. We accumulate so much baggage from allowing ourselves the pain and yet joy from these relationships or friendships whatever you might call them. The truth is that we can't stop and we won't just because the likelihood of the most perfect man showing up at your door and having an instant connection that leads to marriage is unreasonable to even consider. All the same, i'm convinced the purest love comes from waiting... waiting for the right one. so dream and little dream if you must but think about the repercussions. ok?

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